Based in Melbourne, Australia.


ISAM or ISVA Upgrade Failing?

ISAM or ISVA Upgrade Failing?



While trying to upgrade to the new shiny 10.0.3 from some 10.0.2 builds, I noticed that it failed to install the package.


This is following the "Use the local management interface for a single appliance not in a cluster." procedure documented here:

No matter what I did, I just kept getting: "The system encountered an error while it was querying the update server".

Turns out the problem is that you cannot upload an earlier firmware version than the latest one on the remote update servers. That, and occasionally the appliance really is unable to talk directly to the update server.


Adding the following Advanced Tuning Parameter will allow you to override and upload whichever firmware package you want via the LMI:

  1. In System, select Advanced Tuning Parameter.
  2. Click New.
  3. Enter as the key, and true as the value.
  4. Click Save Configuration.

Navigate back to [System > Available Updates] and you'll be able to install any version.


One of the very first changes made for 10.0.4 was to have this tuning parameter set by default.

Here are some useful links you can checkout for additional information.

Simple Logger Function for Verify Access

Simple Logger Function for Verify Access

OIDC Discovery Endpoint - Configuring .well-known in ISAM/ISVA

OIDC Discovery Endpoint - Configuring .well-known in ISAM/ISVA