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Adding Dynatrace to Verify Access - Why You Need This

Adding Dynatrace to Verify Access - Why You Need This



Dynatrace is a software intelligence platform that allows us to analyse and quickly find the data we need in a complex enterprise solution.

In our case, it allows us to delve deep into the mechanics of IBM Security Verify Access, find the root-cause of anomalies, better understand performance impacts, eliminate tedious manual work capturing data, and most importantly, it lets us focus on what matters most, security.


Installing Dynatrace OneAgent

Below are the steps for installing the Dynatrace OneAgent using IBM Security Verify Access.

  1. In the LMI, open the Extensions panel under Updates and Licencing.
  2. On the Extensions panel, select New.
  3. Click Browse package.
  4. Find the dynatraceOneAgent.ext you downloaded on your machine and click Open.
  5. Click Next.
  6. Enter your Dynatrace specific details into the configuration panel.
  7. Click Install and wait for Verify Access to complete the process.
  8. Restart the appliance for the changes to take affect.
  9. Open Dynatrace and enjoy!

Dynatrace Platform

After a quick search of your host in the search bar, you'll be able to monitor incoming traffic, appliance CPU and memory usage as well as the performance of REST services.

One of my favourite features of integrating Verify Access (ISAM) with Dynatrace is the PurePath diagram. It allows you to understand what's happening behind the scenes and identity points that can be improved in the transaction.

Here are some useful links you can checkout for additional information.

Setting Custom OAuth Tokens in ISAM

Setting Custom OAuth Tokens in ISAM

Writing Logs in Verify Access - Performance Implications

Writing Logs in Verify Access - Performance Implications