Managing user runtime sessions when interacting with federation partners in Verify Access and ISAM.
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Managing user runtime sessions when interacting with federation partners in Verify Access and ISAM.
The HTTP requests and responses received by WebSEAL are expressed as XML objects and can be manipulated using XSL transformations. Here are some things to look out for In IBM Security Verify Access 10.
Search plain-text data sets for lines that match a regular expression, displaying the results and exporting all matching lines.
Configuring a protected object policy for additional attribute-based authorization when protecting APIs or a resource using WebSEAL.
Enable constant tracing of a reverse proxy to quickly diagnose issues in your network without having to enable tracing every time.
Easily set, retrieve and remove cookies in a infomap or HTML error page using some simple JavaScript functions.
Configuring WebSEAL to inspect and block Internet Explorer from accessing your site using HTTP XSL Transform.